Allow Myself to Introduce… Myself

Q&A from a recent leadership retreat

Who am I?

I’ve never properly introduced myself. Let me fix that. 

Let me guess. You just have one question:

Who the hell is this guy!?

I don’t blame you. I never introduced myself.

But it's never too late.

If you’re just finding me on LinkedIn, we’ve been connected for a while, or you’re interested in coaching, let me introduce myself.

I’m Mike. I own my own company, Global Bound LLC, providing mental performance coaching and organizational culture consulting services.

How would you describe your perfect day?

  • My core values are LEARNING and forming AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS with others. For me, the perfect day is not defined by any specific activity, like having coffee in my system by 8 AM.

  • It's in having regular learning opportunities and experiencing genuine, meaningful, and nourishing interactions with others. This includes interactions with my wife Kathy, my pups (Covi & Havana), friends, new acquaintances, former colleagues, and people at the gas station or grocery store.

What do you like to do for fun when you’re not running your business?

  • Of course, I cherish my time with my wife and Havana and Covi.

  • I’m also a boardgame geek. I love getting together to play with friends in person. Gardening, landscaping, and getting out in nature are some of my other favorite hobbies.

Why do you focus on Mental Performance and specifically imposter syndrome (“imposterism”?)

  • We all experience some aspects of imposterism over the course of our lives. Self-doubt, sabotage, and misalignment with our true selves is so commonplace.

  • Then, once we start peeling back the layers of imposter syndrome onion, we begin to see the other things that impact our well-being.

  • In my experience, imposterism is THE gateway to breaking down other the needs and coaching needs we may have but are unable to articulate or identify in the moment.

How does your coaching benefit clients?

  • I help them uncover what is holding them back and gain confidence and clarity about their next steps.

  • I work with perfectionists who struggle to get out of their own way and are feeling stuck-in-a-rut.

  • I help those who want to hit restart on their career but don’t know where to begin.

It’s nice to meet you! Tell me about yourself.