Enhancing Wellbeing and Cultivating Alignment

This is my journey to enhancing wellbeing and cultivating alignment the world over.

When creating something, the journey from inspiration to actualization can be difficult to articulate. Especially in a world of shortened attention spans and fast-paced, on-the-go, hustle culture I have been wanting to find a way to articulate where my company Global Bound LLC originated.

Today, I want to share with you the story behind “Global Bound”, a venture very close to my heart. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage and join me for a journey into the heart of my solopreneur coaching and consulting business.

The Birth of Global Bound

The concept of and naming of Global Bound began in the summer of 2007. I was living in Madison, Wisconsin and closing in on my 30th birthday. The world was a different place then and so was I. But at the core of Global Bound was the idea that we are all bound to this one world, this one planet, we live on and supporting one another along life’s crazy quest is better than going it alone.

The logo idea came next. I wanted something that embodied both the name and mission the underlying mission.

It’s more than just a design; it's a visual representation of my vision. The logo, a tilted "g/b," depicts a world split down the middle and shifted. This wasn't a mere accident or design whim – it was a conscious choice.

This imagery symbolizes the profound connection between our foundational needs and our psychological wellbeing. When these two aspects are misaligned or "off," we can't attain optimized performance in our lives, whether personally or professionally.

As such, the world is misaligned, and I want to help individuals and groups work toward alignment.

My journey, driven by this realization, took another decade and a half to come to fruition. And I am glad it did. Over the next fifteen years, I dove deeper into my work with nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) – both in the United States and abroad.

From this point, I started with a singular mission – to enhance psychological wellbeing and optimize performance for nonprofit leaders and organizations by helping them harness their mental performance blocks or hurdles.

My Global Reach

The word "Global" in the name isn't a mere formality. I truly reach out to leaders and organizations across borders, time zones, and geographical regions because mental performance hurdles know no boundaries.

And the nonprofit sector is our primary focus.

Why Non-Profits?

My Approach: Multifaceted Support

Because they shape lives, communities, and even nations. I love the work that non-profits and their teams do at all scales of impact. Non-profits tackle issues that for-profit companies and even governments cannot. There is inherent passion and compassion in those who serve our communities in this structure. Continuing to support them is an honor, a privilege, and in many ways an obligation.

I've spent 25 years of my life working in and with nonprofits in various countries and I cherished every role and opportunity.

But two years ago, I had a revelation.

I found myself unfulfilled, not living up to my full potential. I realized that my passion for nonprofit work still burned, but from a different perspective. I transitioned from the inside to the outside, wearing two complementary hats – a mental performance coach and a workplace culture consultant.

To get this point today, I chose to hire my own mental performance coach and work through my own impostor syndrome (aka, "Imposterism"). Through my journey with coaching, I was able to both identify and articulate my values, my strengths strengths, my desires, and my goals (for myself and my family).

Nonprofits are still at the heart of my work, but now, I help them as an external guide and support mechanism.

What I Offer:

  • 1-on-1 and Group Coaching: Working with nonprofit leaders and organizational talent to uncover their potential, address mental performance hurdles like Imposter Syndrome (aka “impostorism”), perfectionism, self-doubt, mindset work, etc.

  • Workplace Culture Consulting: Collaborating with organizations and their leaders to define, develop, and adapt workplace culture with a focus on psychological wellbeing for their talent.

  • Training and Workshops: Tailored topics like emotional intelligence, empathy, impostorism, stewardship, mindsets, etc.

  • Talent Assessments: Utilizing TTISI’s tools like DISC, Driving Forces, and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to help clients understand themselves and their teams better.

  • Speaking: Around topics that non-profits and their stakeholders (employees, board of directors, volunteers, donors, community liaisons, etc.) want and value.

I firmly believe that everyone's journey is unique, and my approach reflects that. Whether it's imposterism, perfectionism, fixed vs. growth mindsets, or any other mental performance hurdle, I pull from a variety of resources and experts to help craft a strategy for my clients. And the recipe for success for one client does NOT exactly mimic the processes I utilize for another. Leadership and cultural hurdles are not a one-size-fits-all prescription!

The Ripple Effect

My mission goes beyond individual transformation. When nonprofits enhance psychological wellbeing, this positive change resonates through individuals' personal and professional lives. In a sense, it realigns the "world" in our logo - touching other professional spheres and personal arenas.

This is important to highlight and reiterate because the struggles we see in recruiting and retaining top talent for our organizations stem from low levels of subjective wellbeing (i.e., how you and your talent assess and rate their overall happiness and fulfillment in life).

How “we” feel about our current status, role, and future opportunities carries over into life outside of work. The reverse is also true: If I feel safe, fulfilled, and hopeful for tomorrow, I behave accordingly with my friends, family, church congregation, local dodgeball club, etc.

Let's Connect

So, that's a glimpse into Global Bound and why it's more than just a business for me; it's what drives me each and every day. Please don't ever hesitate to reach out. Whether you want to chat, have questions about my services or my background, or see pictures of my adorable pups (Covi and Havana) – let’s connect and have the conversation.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and my work. I look forward to connecting with you!