“Oh, I can’t work with a coach”

Let’s break down the myths - and moreso, the assumptions (stories) we tell ourselves about WHY we can’t have the support of a coach

We all do it, don't we? We make assumptions about why we can't OR shouldn't hire a coach.

Tell me if any of these sound familiar: 

👉 "I can't afford a coach."

👉 "Coaches are only for…(insert job title, role, persona, etc.)"

👉 "They can't help me with MY issues."

👉 "I just need to suck-it-up and push through."

👉 "Everything will be fine when…(insert HOW a few things just need to fall-into-place)"

👉 "I'll deal with that when..(insert ideal moment in time WHEN the time is right)."

Sound familiar? [and this is why we can't have nice things! 😒]

Well, you're not alone.

I had those same thoughts before I started working with a coach. 💭

The fact of the matter is, everyone deserves and can benefit from working with a coach. It's NOT just for certain people or specific roles.

Imagine where your life could be -  personally, professionally, spiritually, etc. when you work through those mental performance blocks like self-doubt, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, feeling alone on an island (in your role), battling the daily internal and external pressures to perform at a high level…(pick your poison)

A coach can help support you as you understand & unlock your full potential.

You've got this! 💪