
Engaging with a coach provides you with an objective perspective. This fresh outlook uncovers game-changing opportunities for individual and team growth within your organization. The added insights and expertise elevate your career and organization to the next level.

Key Focus Areas of Coaching

Managing stressors and performance anxiety

Enhancing focus and habit formation

Overcoming mental hurdles

Building self-discipline and confidence

Preparation for leadership challenges

Choose a Package to Meet Your Needs

These packages are designed to cater to various needs and levels of support required by nonprofit leaders, ensuring a comprehensive approach to leadership development and mental performance coaching.

Leader’s Edge: (On-Demand Coaching Membership)

  • Ideal for: Leaders new to mental performance coaching

    • Initial Consultation: Comprehensive assessment to establish goals and baseline performance.

    • On-Demand Micro-Sessions: Quick, 30-minute laser-focused sessions available as needed.

    • Initial Consultation: 1-hour session to understand client needs and set goals.

    • Personalized Coaching Sessions: 12 bi-weekly one-on-one sessions (60 minutes each)

    • Accountability Coaching Sessions: 12 bi-weekly group sessions (60 minutes each)

    • Support: Email support between sessions for ongoing guidance.

    • Resources: Access to coaching materials (including workbooks) and mental fitness tools.

    • Review and Feedback: Monthly performance reviews to track progress and refine strategies.

  • $75 per session

Visionary Leadership: (Monthly Membership)

  • Ideal for: Leaders seeking deeper skill development

    • Initial Consultation: Comprehensive assessment to establish goals and baseline performance.

    • Bi-Weekly Core Coaching Sessions: Two 1-on-1 focused sessions to build foundational skills and strategies and address challenges. [1-hour sessions]

    • Talent Strategy Session: Comprehensive reviews of organizational talent needs and recommendations for mental performance enhancement

    • Resource Access: 24/7 access to curated content, including video lessons, guides, eBooks, and downloadable tools.

    • Unlimited Text and Email Support: Reach out anytime during business hours for guidance, advice, or support.

    • Initial Consultation: Comprehensive assessment and goal-setting session.

    • Assessments: DISC, Driving Forces, and Emotional Intelligence assessments and walk-through

    • Personalized Coaching Sessions: 12 bi-weekly one-on-one sessions (60 minutes each)

    • Accountability Coaching Sessions: 12 bi-weekly group sessions (60 minutes each)

    • Support: Email and WhatsApp support for quick queries and guidance.

    • Resources: Access to coaching materials, leadership problem-solving guides, and mental fitness tools.

    • Review and Feedback: Bi-weekly performance reviews with actionable feedback.

    • Workshops: Access to one specialized workshop for organization on leadership, wellbeing, or culture.

  • $350 per month

Transformative Leadership: (Annual Sub + VIP Perks)

Ideal for: Leaders committed to long-term growth and organizational impact

    • Initial Consultation: Comprehensive assessment to establish goals and baseline performance.

    • TriMetrix EQ: DISC/Driving Forces/Emotional Intelligence assessments, debrief and strategy sessions.

    • Access to the “Mental Performance Workbook”: 12 in-depth mental performance guided exercises and activities to work on in-between coaching sessions.

    • 24 Core Coaching Sessions: 1-on-1 focused sessions to build foundational skills and strategies. [twice per month]

    • 24 Group Mastermind Coaching Sessions: A collaborative environment focused on shared growth and problem-solving. Each session offers a dynamic mix of peer learning, coaching insights, and strategic development. [twice per month]

    • Priority Scheduling: First access to all sessions, events, and resources.

    • Workshops: One in-depth workshop for your organization - designed to address complex leadership challenges. [dates/times: TBD]

    • Exclusive Events: VIP invites and discounts on retreats, networking events, and mastermind groups.

    • Beta Access: Early access to new tools, assessments, and resources under development.

    • Initial Consultation: Comprehensive evaluation and personalized strategy session.

    • Personalized Coaching Sessions: 48 bi-weekly one-on-one sessions (60 minutes each)

    • Accountability Coaching Sessions: 48 bi-weekly group sessions (60 minutes each)

    • Support: Email and WhatsApp support for quick queries and guidance.

    • Workshops: Two specialized workshops tailored to leadership transformation.

    • Resources: Access to coaching materials, leadership problem-solving guides, and mental fitness tools.

    • Feedback: Regular in-depth reviews and a final evaluation report.

    • Bonus: ½ price admission for leadership & wellbeing retreat.

  • $6,770 per year
